Sunday, September 15, 2013

Carrots in and Carrots Out

Get your glow on with Carrots In - Carrots on!

Have you had your dose of carrots today?    Carrots in the body and on the body, improves your health and your skin will noticeably be softer, smoother and firmer.   French girl’s say that carrots are the least expensive and most effective way to improving the condition of your skin.  I don’t know about you the word “inexpensive” got my attention!

Hardly there is in the world, more studied and usable plant as the carrot.  Its outstanding qualities as a food and cosmetic product have been known and used from ancient times until today. Everyone knows that carrots are extremely healthy.. But the wide reputation of carrots comes from their vitamin content: carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, inositol, vitamin C, E, and K.

Benefits  you can see

Vitamin A is essential for tissue growth in the body. Carrots contain vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, is an excellent natural antioxidant.   Antioxidants slow down the process of aging by scavenging on free radicals. These free radicals cause many health problems like eczema, dermatitis, wrinkles and even rashes.  The best thing to know is that Vitamin A increases the skin’s immunity against sun acting as a natural sun block.   Thus, vitamin A in carrot juice plays a major role in skin care helping protect and condition the skin

Vitamin C in carrots helps in collagen production in the body. Collagen is an essential protein for skin elasticity. Collagen helps to prevent wrinkles and locks the process of aging.

Other benefits :  Helps you see in low light conditions,  good functioning of immune system, skin growth, hair, teeth and gums, maintain healthy the cell membranes and outer layers of the tissues and organs, improves breathing, cleanse the liver and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases ,balance the blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of cancer and the formation of stomach ulcers, digestive disorders.

I am sure by now you are all motivated to ingest major doses of carrots and slather it on your face.   Me too!   But too many carrots can turn your skin orange(not permanent) ,although it might look like a nice tan for some of you.   So if you’re ready to start feeling and looking healthy, here are a couple of simple carrot recipes to do the magic. 


Carrot Juice: B2 organic carrots, ½ apple, a handful of parsley, and enough purified water to achieve the consistency desired.  Drink in all that goodness!  For more recipes visit

Carrot Mask:  finely chopped or grated carrot and blend with one yolk, lather on your face, leave for 20 minutes and remove with warm water, wash your face with cold water, then moisturize with your favorite lotion or crème.

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